a simple girl who now studying in taipei, taiwan. hoping to meet more friends through blogging world. :)

Tuesday 30 March 2010

break up things

just suddenly remember.. my first love... i once loved a man, ups he wasn't a man that time, lets call him 'C'. I was dating him for almost two and a half year, thinking he's someday will turn out to be the man I am going to marry. Somehow between those two and a half years he forgot he ever love me so much and crushed on another girl two and a half months after we broke up. Pathetically the night before my 17th birthday. (FYI in my country 17th birthday is as important as sweet 16th birthday is US. It's the sign that you've grown up.)

i still remember those moment. the worst moment in my life. it's felt even worse that the break-up itself. i dont know what to say, what to think or what to do. i remember crying until i fall asleep. the next day i wake up feeling empty. but then i realize that he was not WORTH crying for. i gather up my spirit. i go to school and try to enjoy my birthday. my friends gave me a little surprise that morning. i cant do anything but cry. i dont know whether they think of that as happiness tears of what. but im sure some of them realize that something is going on :(

My friends cheer me up making me forget all this sucky things and i also realize that this is the point when i turn around my head from him. this is the reason to forget just how much i love him. so yes, i cry a river, then i build my own bridge over my tears and I GET OVER HIM!

look at me now, happy and do not care anything much about him anymore. plus i found myself a true man that i HOPE will be the one who will be with me till the end of this world?

so for those women who just break up with you bf, who just been betrayed but them, who just had your heart broken into pieces. start crying a river, build your bride and get over them!!

i know every one of us has enough strength to do it. even it feels like dying, even it feels like you cannot live anymore. but you have to BELIEVE that you CAN.


1 comment:

  1. hey ava. thx for the comment. :) i know.. i must face it even it's hurts like hell.. <3
